For Homeowners At this time, we do not currently accept appraisal requests from homeowners. A request must be made by your mortgage lending company. Please have your preferred company contact us and make the request. Once the lending company's request is accepted, we will contact you to make an appointment to inspect your home. There is no need to make your home spotless prior to the inspection - this will not affect the value of your home. Please just make sure that we can inspect every room. If your mortage company has requested a C.O.D. (cash on delivery) appraisal, this requires that a check be written by you, the borrower, directly to the appraiser. In this case, please be prepared to write this check upon the date of inspection. Cash is also accepted. If you prefer to pay by credit card, your mortgage lender can do that for you on our website. We accept Mastercard, Visa, and American Express. This requires a small credit card processing fee of 4%, usually amounting to $15.00. Please note that there is also a $25.00 fee for any returned checks. In regards to your appraisal, according to USPAP (Uniform Standards for Professional Appraisal Practice) Federal laws, we cannot speak to you about the final appraised value or potential appraised value of your home. This information, and the appraisal in its entirety, is the property of your mortgage lending company, as they are our client.