Paying with a Credit Card
How does it work? When you place an order on this site, just enter the credit card information into the Payment Information section of the order form. When you submit the order, your
Is it safe? Of course! Our web site is protected by industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. This means that every sensitive communication between your computer and our web server is scrambled. So if any payment data gets illegally intercepted, it’s completely unreadable! You can be sure that paying electronically is just as safe as doing business anywhere else on the Internet! Naturally, if you just prefer not to enter credit card information online, you’re welcome to give us the card number over the phone, or we can make arrangements to get a copy when we visit the property. We want to make sure we’re doing business in a way that makes you comfortable. If you have any questions about paying for services with a credit card, or any other payment option, please give us a call or send us an e-mail message. |